Living with Lions

In order to develop successful lion conservation strategies, LWL conducts ecological and behavioural research by monitoring lion movements, and the effect of human activities on them. With this information we are able to develop biologically sound strategies for the management and conservation of lions.

Because lions outside National Parks are persecuted, they are very cautious of humans and vehicles, and radio telemetry is used to track animals from the ground and air. This research yields information on their social structure, reproduction, mortality rates, causes of mortality and feeding ecology.


Collared lion

So far seven GPS collars have been deployed by LPP. The information on the LPP lions' locations and movements can be viewed online via an exciting lion-tracking website.

For more information on the different types of collars used have a look at the lion collars page.

All images are copyright protected and may not be used without permission. Web design and all photography, unless otherwise stated is by Amy Howard.

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