World news agency Reuters visited the Lion Guardians in September 2009. They filmed a piece on the Lion Guardians project and the lion conservation work in Mbirikani, which has been aired by various broadcasters across the world.
CBS: 60 minutes
The American‐made insecticide Furadan is a grave danger to predators, widely used by herding tribes across Kenya to eliminate lions, hyenas and other carnivores. CBS 60 Minutes have spent a week with us in Laikipia and the Chyulu Hills, documenting the use of Furadan and show‐casing our lion conservation efforts. This aired in the US on Sunday March 29th 2009.
Beyond/Discovery Channel: Nature's Deadliest
The Australian production company Beyond filmed a segment for Nature’s Deadliest on human‐wildlife conflict and the Lion Guardians, to be aired on the Discovery Channel in 2009.
BBC: Explore
The BBC TV series Explore filmed a piece on Lion Guardians, which featured in their programme on the Rift Valley. It aired on BBC2 in the UK on 1st February 2009 and will be shown worldwide on satellite.
The twilight of the lions: LWL documentary
Documentary about LWL's lion conservation work will air on Swiss TV in November 2009, and on December 20th 2009 on ARTE in France and Germany.
CBC News
The Canadian broadcasters CBC filmed a short news piece on the Lion Guardians, which was aired in July 2008.
National Geographic
Lions imperiled video featuring Lion Guardians.
National Geographic/PBS: Wild Chronicles
Wild Chronicles piece on Lion Guardians aired in the US on PBS in June 2008.
PBS: Nature, The Vanishing Lion
FLL productions: The Kilimanjaro Lion Conservation Project
10 minute video introduction to and summary of KLCP.
FLL productions: Lion Guardians
10 minute video introduction to the Lion Guardians program.
National Geographic/Fox Network: Crittercam
Crittercam piece
on lions and hyenas in Laikipia, aired first in July 2006.
BBC: The Really Wild Show
Children's programme
aired Easter, 2005.
BBC: The Natural World - Lions out of Africa
An hour-long documentary
on lion conservation featuring Alayne's fieldwork, and interviews with Dr Frank. First aired in 2004.
60 Minutes
The biggest Australian TV news magazine show,
filmed and aired a 15-minute segment on lion conservation. First aired in 2004.
BBC: Wild Things
Children’s BBC TV show was
shot in April 2004, featuring Alayne's lion work and discussing the
conservation issues.